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Home » News » Courts » One suspect in Sodus double-murder pleads guilty to conspiracy

One suspect in Sodus double-murder pleads guilty to conspiracy

The Texas police officer accused of being involved in a double-murder, which shook the community of Sodus last fall – has pleaded guilty to conspiracy.

In court on Thursday, Bronchiole Bohlar pleaded guilty in connection with the killing of a Sodus couple. Joshua Niles and Amber Washburn were shot-and-killed in their driveway, which led to a manhunt for the killers.

Prosecutors say Bohlar talked about the deaths with the accused shooter Timothy Dean and Dean’s wife, Charlene Childers.

Bohlar’s defense attorney says Bohlar rented a car for Dean, thinking it was “a seemingly considerate act for a friend who was down on his luck.” His attorney also pointed out that Bohlar ‘will not’ offer excuses about being manipulated or deceived by the couple, who is accused of killing Niles and Washburn.

WHEC-TV in Rochester also reports that Bohlar’s attorney said that “As a sworn member of law enforcement and he realizes he should not have been blind or allowed to be misled.”

This story will be updated as more information becomes available.