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Home » News » New York tries to crackdown on telemarketers with new law: Will it work?

New York tries to crackdown on telemarketers with new law: Will it work?

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  • Staff Report 

Let there be fewer telemarketing calls!

That’s the goal of legislation signed by Governor Kathy Hochul earlier this week.

Legislation (S.8450-B/A.8319-C) requires telemarketers to give customers the option to be added to the company’s do-not-call list at the outset of certain telemarketing calls.

DiSanto Propane (Billboard)

“We are dialing up our efforts to give New Yorkers a break from unsolicited telemarketing calls,” Governor Hochul said. “For too long, New Yorkers have dealt with these nuisance calls, not knowing they can avoid these interactions by being added to a telemarketer’s do-not-call list. This new legislation will protect New Yorkers from receiving frustrating, unwanted calls by better providing information on do-not-call lists.”

Legislation (S.8450-B/A.8319-C) requires telemarketers to give customers the option to be added to the company’s do-not-call list at the outset of certain telemarketing calls, right after the telemarketer’s name and solicitor’s name are provided.

Under current law, telemarketers are required to inform individuals that they may request to be added to their company’s do-not-call list. However, consumers usually hang up before a telemarketer or recording has mentioned the do-not-call list, allowing telemarketers to continue calling them again and again. By giving consumers the do-not-call list information at the onset of telemarketing calls, this legislation will ensure that New Yorkers are protected from incessant, unwanted calls.

Categories: New York StateNews