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Home » News » Walmart holiday shopping will be a lot easier for customers

Walmart holiday shopping will be a lot easier for customers

  • / Updated:
  • Samantha Parish 

When it comes to stressful holiday shopping, Walmart is making it easier for customers this year with some improvements.

walmart holiday shopping will be better for customers

Between new technology and hiring thousands more employees, Americans should feel a little less stressed out.

The new technology will help boost online delivery services and in store employees should make checking out faster.

What will Walmart do to improve holiday shopping for customers this year?

According to The Sun, another 40,000 employees will be added to the company to help customers around the holidays.

In addition, a new investment has been made in robotics that will help the supply chain issues. The machinery will be installed in the Market Fulfillment Center to help employees manage their tasks better.

These robots will grab items for customers before they go to a picking station and the goal is to speed up the delivery of online orders.

Truck drivers will be hired full time as well as online and in-store associates.

Extra shifts will be offered to those already working at Walmart. The goal is to give better value and more convenience to customers who loyally shop at the store.

The inventory at Walmart will be increased as well with a wider variety of products for the electronics, home, and beauty departments. 1,400 new toys will be added ahead of the holidays with many under the cost of $50 and $25.

A return policy called the Holiday Guarantee will let customers return items until the end of January.

The only way people can use this policy is if the items were purchased after Oct. 1, 2022.

Walmart has added other things to improve shopper experiences

Walmart has started offering other services as well. One is their Virtual Try-On and View in your Home. This lets customers virtually try on clothing or insert an item in their home through technology.

This helps people decide if they like an item before they purchase it by giving them an idea of what it may look like.

There is also the Spark Good initiative. This gives nonprofit agencies financial resources by rounding up their purchases to donate to a charity of their own choosing.

Walmart is investing around $240 million dollars into renovating 41 stores in the state of Missouri alone.

$85 million is being put into 14 stores in the state of Ohio and technology will be installed to improve three stores in Puerto Rico.

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