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Home » Cayuga County » Auburn » Auburn superintendent says governor’s rep acknowledged school funding discrepancies

Auburn superintendent says governor’s rep acknowledged school funding discrepancies

Auburn Enlarged City School District Superintendent Jeff Pirozzolo said a representative with Gov. Andrew Cuomo's office acknowledged funding discrepancies between Auburn and other districts.

Pirozzolo talked about the conversation during a district board of education meeting Tuesday night. Besides Pirozzolo, district business manager Lisa Green, board vice president Joe Sheppard, board member Ian Phillips and Auburn Teachers Association President Justin Herrling met with Dan Fuller, assistant secretary for education, in Albany earlier Tuesday.

Pirozzolo said the group provided Fuller pieces of data such as the district's foundation aid per pupil compared to that of certain New York small-city school districts comparable to Auburn. Pirozzolo said that out of the other Cayuga County districts, Auburn received the smallest amount of foundation aid per pupil. Foundation aid is the base aid districts receive. Auburn has argued for years that it does not receive the aid it is due. The district also spoke to Fuller about cuts the district has made since 2007, such as the closing of West Middle School in 2011 and staff departures, Pirozzolo said.

"What Mr. Fuller actually said is, 'I appreciate looking at this data. Looking at this data, there is an issue here and we're recognizing that there's an issue by looking at this data,'" Pirozzolo said.

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