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Best Omega Supplement (2022): Top Fish Oil Fatty Acids For Men & Women

Many people cast too wide a net when trying to find the best omega 3 or fish oil supplements. And ultimately, most don’t end up finding a good product – sound familiar? 

Well, let us make choosing an Omega 3 supplement like shooting fish in a barrel. 

You’ve come to the right place to find what you’re looking for; we’ve consulted doctors and nutritionists on our search for the top omega 3 supplement on the market…

The Current Best Omega 3 Supplement: Elite Omega 3 by Viit

Servings: 30 (60 Capsules)Price: $29.00
Visit the Viit Website


Viit’s Elite Omega 3 is currently the highest rated Omega 3 supplement on the market. Taking this Omega 3 supplement on a regular basis can help you:

  • Support joint health and mobility
  • Improve heart and cardiovascular health
  • Enhance brain health and cognitive function
  • Boost your metabolism for weight loss.

What makes Viit’s Elite Omega 3 the Best?

Viit’s Elite Omega 3 is completely natural and uses the best quality fish oil on the market. This makes it highly bioavailable and ensures your body is nourished as much as possible for the most benefits.

It’s made in FDA approved facilities and follows CGMP (Current Goods Manufacturing Process) standards to ensure you’re not only getting the best – but also the cleanest option on the market.

Elite Omega 3 also arrived in 2 days via free shipping. At $29 for 1 month supply, we couldn’t find anything to complain about!

Perfect 3:2 ratio of omega 3 fatty acids

Each serving of Viit Omega is at a perfect ratio of 2:3 DHA to EPA (576 mg to 864 mg).  A 3:2 ratio that combines EPA or DHA or vice versa is ideal. 

Studies show, DHA outperforms EPA in decreasing total triglyceride count and also increasing HDL (good) cholesterol. In contrast, EPA has a more positive effect in reducing the overall LDL (bad) cholesterol.

It’s the best fish oil supplement on the market, and perfect for long-term everyday use. Plus their capsules are lemon flavored – so no fishy taste, smelly burps or breath!

Find out more

What Are Omega 3/Fish Oil Supplements?

Omega-3s are nutrients that can be sourced from food (or supplements) and are important for building and maintaining a healthy body. They’re necessary for building cell walls, energy sources, and help maintain your heart, lungs, blood vessels,

Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA & DHA in particular, are commonly found in fish. They can also be found in plant sources such as walnuts and sunflower seeds.


DHA is found in high amounts in your retina, brain, and sperm cells. DHA has a variety of functions and is also very important for your physical health as it increases your immunity and provides many other benefits.

It is recommended that the American Heart Association recommends eating two portions of fish (particularly fat fish) every week. Fish that are fatty, such as salmon, mackerel, herring and lake trout, sardines, and albacore tuna contain high levels of omega-3 fats.

Omega 3 & Fish oil supplements are consumed by customers to deliver eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acids (DHA)–the two primary kinds of omega-3 fats which offer health benefits and can be present in shellfish, fish and even some algae.

While it’s essential to eat food items that are rich in EPA and DHA, especially fish with fatty fillings, a supplement with fish oil can assist in filling the nutrition gap.

There are some who suffer from arthritis-related inflammatory conditions that omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil have shown benefits.

Fish Oil (Omega 3) Benefits

Numerous health benefits can be derived from supplementing with fish oil according to research. This includes the following:

May Lower Triglyceride Levels

Fish oil supplements may reduce the level of triglycerides (a kind of fat that is found in blood). The presence of high levels of triglycerides can increase the risk of developing heart illness and stroke and also signify metabolic syndrome or obesity. However, there is not enough scientific evidence to prove that there are health advantages to supplements made from fish oil at lower doses.

May Help Improve Depression Symptoms

The preliminary research suggests that omega-3s might be involved in decreasing symptoms associated with depression. Randomized, epidemiological and laboratory placebo-controlled studies and discovered evidence that a lack of omega-3s can contribute to the developing mood disorders, which includes depression, and that supplementation with them may be an effective treatment strategy. However, further study is required.

May Help Prevent Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

A review in 2020 reveals that omega-3 fatty acids could slightly lower the risk of CHD, according to Gans. The study included information from 162,796 people who concluded that increasing omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fats (LCn3) consumption “slightly” decreased the risk of death from coronary heart disease and related events, and also reduced the levels of serum triglycerides.

May Help Decrease Arthritic Pain

Omega 3s can also aid in reducing inflammation. In a study from 2006 in surgical Neurology that involved 250 patients suffering from back or neck pain. They consumed between 1,200 and 2,400 milligrams daily of omega-3 EFAs in supplements made from fish oil, and more than half of them stopped taking any other treatment for pain. Of the participants in the study 60% of them reported an improvement in joint pain and general pain.

Can Boost Brain Health

Omega 3s may also bring benefits to your brain. One study in 2018 that analyzed data collected from 23688 participants observed that, when compared with older people who ate fish just once per week, those who consumed 4 or more servings of fish per week had less memory loss and were compared to a brain four years older.

EPA as well as DHA are often present in the prenatal vitamins because they aid in the development of the fetal brain. A study published in Review on Obstetrics and Gynecology states that it is difficult for women who are pregnant to get sufficient fish oil in their diet (as consumption of seafood should be reduced) and suggests algae-based or fish-based DHA supplements.

May Benefit Eye Health

Omega-3 intake has also been associated with ocular health. A major study that involved more than 32,400 women showed that, as compared to people who ate only a small amount of seafood, those whose diets were high in omega-3s were at less risk of developing dry eyes.

May Support Weight Loss

Fish oil omega-3s may aid weight loss in a variety of ways, the first of which is by reducing hunger and appetite.

This effect may be especially beneficial for persons on weight-loss programs, which can occasionally result in increased hunger.

Healthy people on a weight-loss regimen consumed either 0.3 grams or 1.3 grams of fish oil omega-3s per day, according to one study. Up to two hours after a meal, the high-fish-oil group reported feeling much fuller.

Another way fish oil omega-3s may aid weight loss is by speeding up your metabolism.

A tiny study found that taking 6 grams of fish oil per day for 12 weeks raised metabolic rates by 3.8 percent in healthy young adults.

Another study found that when healthy older women took 3 grams of fish oil per day for 12 weeks, their metabolic rates increased by roughly 14%, equating to an additional 187 calories burned each day.

Types of Omega 3 & Fish Oil Supplements

The amount of omega-3s recommended differs based on age and state of health as per the National Institutes for Health. Males aged between 19 to 50, for instance, require 1.6 grams daily and females in the same age group require just 1.1 grams. The diet alone is able to give the recommended amount of omega-3s. A single portion of cooked salmon from a farm contains 1.24 grams DHA as well as 0.59 grams EPA.

Yet, supplementing with fish oil can give you confidence you’re receiving the health benefits that omega-3s provide.

The most common kinds of supplements made from fish oil are:

  • Soft gel capsules. The soft gel capsules have become an extremely popular method to take fish oil.
  • Liquid. It is also possible to take your fish oil liquid in a bottle, which is sold in bottles.
  • Prescription. Fish oil supplements prescribed by a doctor have been approved to treat high triglycerides.

What to Look for in the Best Fish Oil Supplements

The importance of sourcing top-quality supplements made from fish is essential. Ensure they’re made from high-quality fish and are being manufactured by a supplement maker that adheres to or exceeds Food and Drug Administration’s Good Manufacturing Practices guidelines.

Consider your EPA or DHA levels, since you’ll want to choose an item that has more of these in comparison to the omega 3s in total.

In fact, EPA and DHA levels can differ widely with regards to supplements with fish oil.

Another reason to be cautious about supplements made from fish oil is the potential for exposure to heavy metals. It’s recommended to check whether the supplier you’re buying it from has an independent laboratory to test their fish oil to determine the presence of heavy metals, and to ensure that it’s free of significant levels in heavy metals.

Fish Oil Supplement Dosage

The suggested dosage of fish oil can differ greatly depending on the reason you are taking it.

Make sure you get omega-3s through food first. Healthy adults who do not have a previous history of heart disease, two servings of fish that are fatty each week is recommended first and first. As a supplement she recommends that an adult who is healthy should start by taking 400-500 milligrams of a combination of EPA as well as DHA omega-3 fish oils.

Patients with coronary heart disease could take up to 1,000 milligrams of a mixture of EPA and DHA daily, and those with high triglyceride levels may possibly take between 2 and 4 grams daily but they must consult your doctor before.

Higher doses are typically employed to lower triglycerides levels, assist in supporting the liver’s fatty tissue and decrease inflammation. Doses up to 12 grams are administered in acute brain injury patients and have had positive outcomes.

For the majority of people, consumption of omega-3s that exceed 3 grams per day could be harmful. It is important to consult your physician and a registered dietitian nutritionist prior to adding any supplement to your diet to determine the appropriate dose to suit your individual needs.

Side Effects of Fish Oil

It is not recommended to consume these supplements if you already use blood thinners, without first speaking with your physician. Fish oils should be stopped a week prior to the surgery to avoid bleeding.

Certain brands can cause an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Freezing the oil before consumption, may reduce the severity of the problem. Other adverse reactions include diarrhea, nausea and heartburn but moderate for the majority of people. If you suffer from any of these symptoms consult your physician to find out if there’s other options available to you.

Last but not least, fish oil shouldn’t be used when you’re intolerant or allergic to fish.

Conclusion on the Best Omega 3 Supplements

You’re probably not getting the quantities of EPA and DHA that have been linked to good health benefits unless you eat fish every week. Don’t worry, you’re not the only one.

If you’re not ready or able to increase your consumption of fatty fish, a high-quality omega-3 supplement is a simple addition to your daily routine that ensures that everything from your brain to your cardiovascular system to your bones gets enough of these essential fatty acids to work properly.

Fortunately, Viit’s Elite Omega 3 offers an optimal 3:2 ratio of DHA & EPA at only $29 for 1 month supply. 

Make experiencing many benefits including improved brain health and cognitive function (and more) as easy as counting 1, 2, 3. With Viit’s Elite Omega 3.

Servings: 30 (60 Capsules)Price: $29.00
Visit the Viit Website


Categories: Life