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Home » Valentine's Day » SAFETY MOMENT: Don’t text and drive this summer

SAFETY MOMENT: Don’t text and drive this summer

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 3142 people were killed in 2020 by distracted driving. 

Texting and driving get the headline, but it is not the only risky behavior that may take our attention away from safely navigating the roads and be a cause of distracted driving.  It only takes a few seconds of taking our eyes off the road for a tragic incident to occur.

Finger Lakes Partners (Billboard)

Additional risky driving behaviors:

  • Attending to children
  • Eating
  • Applying makeup
  • Shaving
  • Reading
  • Adjusting the radio

The end of the school year is upon us, and more kids will be on or near the roadways.  We all play a role in maintaining safe roadways for all.  It starts with one.  You can make a difference and ensure our local roads are safer.  Encourage friends and family to do the same.

Categories: NewsTraffic