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Home » Valentine's Day » SNAP food stamp increase for seniors and disabled

SNAP food stamp increase for seniors and disabled

Governor Kathy Hochul has announced that there will be changes made to the SNAP program in New York.

The changes will help those with disabilities and seniors enroll in the program.

The SNAP applications will be simplified and the time for families to still get benefits will be extended before the recertification interview.

Hochul wants to create an easier path to food security for some of the hardest hit populations during the pandemic.

Related: Here are three ways for SNAP food stamp recipients to save money before Christmas

The new application is abbreviated, and it can be used to apply for and recertify for benefits.

Beginning in Dec. these populations can recertify for their SNAP benefits for 36 months, which is a year longer than before.

New York currently leads the country with SNAP participation for seniors, but is still below the state average.

Related: Your state may be giving an extra $95 in food stamp SNAP benefits ahead of Christmas

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