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Home » Brian Tomkins » Auburn School Board to leave vacancy unfilled until May election

Auburn School Board to leave vacancy unfilled until May election

The Auburn School Board has decided not to fill a vacant seat until the next regular election.

The Citizen reports the decision came at Tuesday’s meeting. Joe Sheppard resigned from the board last October. The board’s options were to leave the seat vacant until the regular School Board election in May, hold a special election or appoint someone to the board. If someone were to be appointed, it could have been the person who received the highest number of votes, but was not elected in the previous election, or someone chosen from a pool of applicants for the position.

Board members Salvatore “Sam” Giangreco, Matteo Bartolotta and Jeff Gasper were in favor of giving the seat to the highest vote getting non-winner.

On the resolution to leave the seat open, Danielle Wood, Rhoda Overstreet-Wilson, William Andre, board president Ian Phillips and vice president Dr. Eli Hernandez voted yes, while Bartolotta, Gasper and Giangreco voted against.

The board did not discuss the opening at its November meeting and tabled it in December.