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The skill that each student gets when writing an essay

Essay writing is a very important skill that every college student needs to have. Writing skills are essential in order to do well on exams, assignments, thesis, and a lot more. An essay can help a student pass a course, get to the university of his dreams, get accepted as an intern, or be selected as one of the university’s scholars. If you want to learn essay writing, then this is the article for you.

When you write an essay, there are skills that you should know in order for it to be effective. By effective, it means that your essay writing should engage the board of directors when you are applying for work or the university panel if you are applying for a scholarship. If you want to know how to write a good paper, then here are the skills that you need.

5 Skills of Essay Writing

1. Pick a Topic

The topics for essays can vary. Your professor might have assigned a topic for you or you are given the freedom to write any topic that you want. You might want to write about your experiences when you were in high school. If this is the topic that you are writing about, you can describe the summer camp you were or the hours that you put into tennis in order to become a champion player. Your goal in writing an essay might be to inform other people how fun your previous school is or inspire them to become a champion like you.

2. Write a Catchy Introduction

College panels and professors are extremely busy people. Therefore, they tend to glance at the title of the essay, read the introductions that only captures their attention, and everything else goes into the filing box. Don’t be one of those students who is placed at the bottom of the pile. You can start your intro with a quote or with an anecdote that can capture anyone’s interest.

3. Write the Body of the Essay

The body of your essay should have unity, order, coherence, and completeness. This is the part where you discuss your ideas one by one. You give a detailed example of the points that you want to emphasize. In the example above, if you want to discuss your experiences in tennis, you might give them a detailed example of what kind of warm-up exercises you did when you are about to play tennis. The body of the paper that you are writing is the “meat” of the entire essay.

College professors want to learn something new about you. Therefore, you should provide the greatest essay that you can write in order to pique their interest in you. If this is your first time writing an essay, you can view college papers for sale from writing service EduBirdie in order to have ideas about what kind of essay your professor wants to see. There are a lot of students, websites, or professors who can provide you the papers that are on sale. You can use previous papers as a guide when you want to learn essay writing.

4. Write a Conclusion

This is the sum of all the points that you have discussed in your essay. If you have chosen to write about your experiences from your previous school, you generally write about your experiences about the quality of education that you have received. This is also the part where you put a conclusion of whether other students should try your school or not.

5. Add the Finishing Touches

This is where you proofread your essay. You have to make sure that the entire essay is free from grammatical errors. The spelling should be correct as well as the punctuations. Make sure that the order of the entire essay is logical. The thoughts and ideas connect with each other. Proofread your paper or better yet, ask someone’s advice on how to improve it. After you are done, pat yourself in the back. Congratulate yourself for making your very first essay.


The necessary skills that you need when writing an essay are picking a topic, writing a good introduction, writing the body of the essay, writing the conclusion, as well as proofreading your entire work. When you are able to write your paper in the correct format and your professor approves it, everything after that becomes easier. You will be able to write like a pro and be able to pass your course. Writing is a skill that needs practicing. Over time, you can be good at writing if you put in the right amount of time and effort on it.

Categories: LifeSchools