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Home » News » SAFETY MOMENT: What’s your fire drill?

SAFETY MOMENT: What’s your fire drill?

  • / Updated:
  • Kyle Black 

The kids come home from school and discuss the fire drill they had, and where they are supposed to go in the case of an emergency at school.

Your spouse comes home from work and discusses the safety meeting they had about fire prevention. On an annual basis at home it is also important to re-visit and re-fresh plans, inspect equipment and ensure everyone knows the plan in the case of an emergency or fire.

Common fire and emergency items to review at home:

  • Is your escape diagram up to date?
  • Are your fire extinguishers in working order?
  • Are your smoke and CO alarms inspected & free of debris & dust?
  • Did you check escape routes for hazards or obstacles?
  • Does your family need a refresh of the meeting place & escape routes?

Categories: NewsSeneca County