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Home » News » Politics » Sen. Helming doubles-down on need for local roads funding

Sen. Helming doubles-down on need for local roads funding

Highway superintendents from across the Wayne-Finger Lakes Region representing the New York State Association of Town and County Highway Superintendents recently visited Albany to fight for CHIPS funding in the state budget. CHIPS funding helps cover the cost of maintaining local roads and infrastructure across our region.

“It is so important that we provide appropriate funding to our municipalities so they may have the necessary resources to maintain, repair and improve local roads, bridges and other infrastructure projects. Our highway superintendents do a great job, but they need the state to step up and support them in their efforts to keep our roads safe. Last week’s record attendance in Albany sent a loud and clear message that this funding needs to be a top priority in the budget. Thank you to everyone who joined together and thank you to our highway superintendents and crews for keeping our roads safe and our communities strong,” Senator Helming said.