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Home » News » Business » Waterloo solar developer will do host of studies on impacts

Waterloo solar developer will do host of studies on impacts

NextEra Energy Resources, the Florida-based developer of a proposed 80 megawatt solar electric generating project in the west end of the town, will do at least 15 studies of possible impacts of the project as part of its application process.

The list of studies is included in the company’s Preliminary Scoping Statement (PSS), filed on Oct. 10. The studies must be completed before the company can formally submit an application for approval to the state Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment.

The PSS is required under the review process for the project under Article 10 of the New York State Public Service Law.

The studies would address positive, neutral or negative impacts of the project on public health and safety, air emissions, safety and security of the facility, noise and vibrations, cultural resources, geology, seismology and soils; terrestrial ecology and wetlands; aquatic ecology and water resources, visual impacts, effects on transportation, effects on communication, socioeconomic effects, environmental justice and site restoration and decommissioning.

Mitigation of negative impacts must be proposed.

Read more from The Finger Lakes Times