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Home » News » Politics » Seneca supervisors call for state to reinstate AIM funding

Seneca supervisors call for state to reinstate AIM funding

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s proposed budget would cut roughly $59 million in aid to towns and villages statewide.

The Aid and Incentives to Municipalities allocation in the spending plan would fall from $715 million to $656 million — and more than 1,300 municipalities would get nothing at all.

The Seneca County Board of Supervisors’ Ways & Means Committee unanimously approved a motion Tuesday supporting the restoration of AIM funding to its 2018 level. The motion now goes to the full board for a final vote at its Feb. 12 meeting.

Towns and villages that rely on AIM funding for less than 2 percent of their budgets would get no funding under Cuomo’s proposal. However, towns already have adopted 2019 budgets with AIM funding included, while villages are preparing spending plans that go into effect April 1.

“A reduction in anticipated and planned state assistance places an undue and unanticipated financial burden on municipalities,” the motion states. “Absent restoration of this funding, towns and villages may find it necessary to reduce and or eliminate important and committed services.”

Assemblyman Phil Palmesano, R-132 of Corning, joined Republican lawmakers across the state decrying this aspect of Cuomo’s executive budget.

Read more from the Finger Lakes Times